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11" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits Tennant model 2100
11" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits Tennant model 2100
15" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits DART model 170, 171, 172
15" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits DART model 170, 171, 172
15" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits DART model 873
15" MAL-GRIT (80) scrubbing and stripping brush assembly fits DART model 873
19" Pad driver assembly fits NOBLES model 2001 SD
19" Pad driver assembly fits NOBLES model 2001 SD
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